hellomatrina ._.

A Fanwork for A Dead Game

Dialogue Piece. shortcut version: Morgan broke a sewing machine. Labelle still want to kick Morgan out but can not yet. Officers sees a bit of blood on their cloth and thought it was due to something else.

Writing Writing on the wall. Mirror Mirror I ask for your assistence.

Morgan woke up feelilng more dead then when Labelle was around. He hears whispers around the area where he was located.

Labelle is still near the front desks, though her shift is almost over. It is now 8 o'clock at night.

Morgan quietly tried to tilt up himself again, to no aval failed miserabily at getting out of Labelle's storage room.

Labelle walked towards the storage room. Morgan stared at her with even more Murder intent.

Could you not have done that? Locking me in this.. ** Morgan looked around for words, could not find any. **Cub hole.

"I was asked an unusual amount of questions about a certain someone being arrested today. Not at you, defaintly no "Customers" figured out you were here."

Labelle was not asked about such subjects about marring in her day to day life. She had enough with just the clothing issues alone.

Morgan stared further and sat still while contemplating life.

Labelle "I do have to ask, just tonight?", Labelle stared silently at the clock for a moment.

Of course not. I will be staying till this wave of soliders leave the area. I still have murder to attempt. Morgan whipsered.

Labelle want to punch Morgan's head into a pulp for that previous statement.

Labelle started planning for tommrow's shift, getting all the sewing kits for today, and the bleeding clothing that she accidently sold to the others is a problem.

"Look, if you are staying here. For." Labelle looked at Morgan, Nonchantly said "TONIGHT. I do have to ask you to not disturb the neighbourhood."

There is neighbourhood here?? Morgan questioned.

"...I am sorry, what did you just say?" Labelle asked about the seriousness of Morgan's questioning.

"You crashed into my studio, (which you need to pay for), made several officers quite Nervous, made me loss..." Labelle counted the digits on her hands, "Mr. Bob, Ms. Saint, Mo. Dr. from the customer base, do you need more reasons for me to not kick you out right now?"

What the hell are those names? Morgan further questioned, now sat even more confused while laying down in cloth. At least I thought I was leading a revolution, not a stupidity camp.

"You weren't leading anything, you playfool. Everyone knows the story of Morgan the Great, the Knight who cries everything is not right and still get's everything they want."

Excuse Me, My LADY. Morgan suddenly had some light in his eyes, I am leading the most Free and most Advanced assasins in the world! You should be greatful for my service to the new leaders.

"I say you have more lead then leader in your brain. Could you just not cause trouble for the rest of us? We do not care about such Important figureheads as Kings nor You, the Knight who kills without reason."

The dialogue was getting silghtly tense. The night is not that high for the moon. There the wind whispering in the background.

"Like the time you walked into the clothing shop, I thought you were just a normal, higher up who is willing to wait for their clothing to finish. Not cost a hoast and make me deal with such honorable mana."

It's not like I caused that much trouble. Morgan whispered back. It's not like my mana has any major issues

"Pfft. Major Issues? More like minor issues of the screams of the deceased, echoes of whoever you tried to assasinate embedded in that mana. Not like I can kill you right now and fix any problems of course."

Excuse me Lad-

"Do not start callilng me lady. Call me by my damn name. All the Customers do it."

cough COUGH Labelle.




LABELLE! There. You Happy? Morgan looks like someone who just got a piece of themselves cut off.

Labelle looks less pissed about a criminal being in her studio. She tried to check Morgan's cut's.

"Seriously, how did you get so lost to land in my studio? With glass shards and all those wood chips. Crist. Bless the King."

Morgan looked displeased at the description of his current status. Unsure by what Labelle meant by chips and glass.

LOCATION: Outside of Labelle's storage Room. Inside Studio. Still.

Labelle somehow figured out some basic wrapping sheets for Morgan's cuts. Did not however figure out any medical help Morgan needed. As a Sewing rat living in the city, she need not to know certain things as protection.

"Dear this stupid person, who is getting my help right now. Can you please stop staring out the window? The wind is quite strong today since you gadly broke the window."

Do not call me stupid. Morgan replied, not realizing the sarcasm in his voice.After all, without me you couldn't have had that big of customer base. No Ms. Saint coming to __your__ clothing shop for such faboulous shopping experience.

"Ha! I did not know you knew comedy. Mind knocking out your shoes and mask off your face? You seem not that hideous up there."

... Morgan stayed silent without a reason.

"Oh please, It's not like your situation could get worse. I already did not contact police for your own saftey. Not like you need any. Assasination team and All that." Labelle looked awkwardly at the situation. Seems like she brought up a mood point.

Morgan stared back out to the window. He tried stalling for time before the major problem of addressing his assasination attempt on Labelle.

"Not like I care that much. I just want to make clothing." Labelle talked to herself.

Labelle started looking at the machine states of her sewing machines. She realized one of them gotten moved. A crack of seal seems to be near the edges of a daring devil who poked around while she was working.

Morgan was ignoring Labelle.

"Did you touch one of the spinning machines?" Labelle tried to force Morgan to look at her "I have to ask, how do you even have any movement abilities after looking like a shovable corpse."

I am not a shovable corpse. Morgan responded. I am a person YOU should respect. I will overtake you Our King when the time is right.

"Well whatever you say, that time is not right now. If you are going to hide in the studio, you need to help me with work."

WORK? Morgan looked confused, Higher up's don't do work. They order.

"You do not look like a higher up or a order to me right now. More like you need some medical help" Labelle responded. Not realising how strained her voice sounded. "You know, you remind me too much about how I acted back in tutoring."

Excuse me?

"Where you believe the sky is so high, and you can taste it. Without any outside help I was able to gain such high ranks and prestinge by making clothing." Labelle seems to be quite proud. "Even though no body believed you before you started showing talent. Like 2 years ago."

Oh when I came to your shop? Morgan regrugitated the sentence.

"No, that was 2 month after. I was given a gentlemens orders. Quite a nice men really, had good mana for needles and sewing never mind his aura. Just. nice."

Morgan looked quiet pissed off. Like you have any real men around here. Only cowards stays and not go for war.

"Well, taking a sentence from your book. Excuse me, Morgan. The Asshole who tried assasinate me during my sleep."

RECUTSCENE: BACK IN THE ASSASINATION ATTEMPT. Labelle was almost alseep in her studio. She heard several string instruments harp in the back and woken up to the spinning machines broken. Labelle looked quite distraught. Covered her bed with wool sewing seals and went back to bed.

She woke up the next day with several cut's above her head. Luckly, the sewing seals protected her from dying.

So you do know it was me? Morgan sounded suprised.

"Like I had no way of telling, the only asshole customer I had was you. Everyone else is quite nice and offers me gifts for finishing their cloth. Not you. Not you at all Morgan." Labelle looked pleased at Morgan's dialgoue. "Now nighty night. Don't let me see another spinning machine chipped by your hands."

Labelle walked outside of the studio space and went home. She did fix the spinning machine Morgan broke already with another wool seal.

Morgan sat at silence.