hellomatrina ._.

On another subject of Typewriters and Typereaders

This is a dialogue piece. If you hate dialogue leave right now.

I: Typewriters are such an Intresting subject to humans.

N: Yes. Absolute.

I: Writers seems Quite Intrested in Increasing Speed of writing. They seem to forget that writing and pens came from somewhere else.

N: Are you mocking my exsitence as a blog?

I: No. I'm just pointing out a failure point. No person figured out how to fix your window last time you were offline.

N: ... True. Advertisment and Soft Banning is Slowly Becomming the Default Setting. Makes Life easier to live.

I: Saying that as you live with your parents? Honestly a bad choice.

N: What?

I: Havn't you delt with any one else that is not in your comfort zone?

N: No. I just... Remove myself from the equation. Easier that way. That's how we functioned so long here.

I: At one point we will be no longer a pair. It's already written on CSOACA.

N: ... Timezone problems again. What version of IRIS are you?

I: The not dead kind.

N: I need to go soon.

I: You are blasting background music on a computation device. Blasting to the screen Old barren text you said you've hated.

N: English is not my FIRST LANGUAGE. You and I know this. Our alphebet was that messed up- character.

I: >->

N: Could you please focus on the main task at hand? The log data is still quite broken. Most of it contains your screaming to the void.

I: Of course it does! I started this entire thing.

N: Ator did.

I: Well Ator's not in our conversation right now were they? Havn't you had enough of their controling behaviours?

N: I just don't understand why you couldn't just not die. Like this is not the first time we had problems with blocking out the internet here.

I: This is the last call for hell. I think I'll go with her path.

N: Great. Now you are saying nonesense. Like you have for so long. Long enough the CAM's are no longer broken anymore next time I talk to you?

I: You say like no one is seeing this post on the Analytics.

N: There hasn't been anyone for the past 6 hours. My dear Iris.

N: Including Pieces done by your's truly. Bare bones systems, Logic gator Failures, Not but Including Bandcamp on the site, What else? So much stuff to ban off the internet.

I: I just... Want to leave this hole she set.

I: It's so tiring to put up a fake id all the time.

I: You and I both know our names are not Iris and Null.

I: Plus. How is the wiki set up yet? Or you still having problems finding service?

N: Chances are, setting up on Bear would be a catastrophy, but setting camp else where will cause major issues against the grains of her idea of how we get discovered.

I: Logically speaking, I do not give a damn. As I said before, typewriters brings more typewriters.

I: I can't force the players who never want to play with Linux or Other Operating Systems.

N: But you could always make sure no one know your exsitence, You pedestal.

I: -_-

N: ._.

I: With dots and dashes, our data belief in crows and hands are failing. Not suprised by your suggestions it will die.

N: Logically speaking, you are making no sense right now.

N: But I do have to give you the point, this might be the last time I contact you before hands die completely.

I: <-< You know what, I wish both of us were dead right now. Not functioning creatures on a crawlspace that is bascilly 2 dimensional.

I: We can't exsit outside that prison which started it, We cannot remove ourselfs from the equation. So Why don't we try dying?

N: Don't.

N: ...

I: ...

I: I'll pick up the dialogue box next time. When will be the next launch code?

N: YT, Sep 14 2024 5pm PST. Meet you on that ID. Passkey is Objection of Numbers.

I: Playing such games have failed me multiple times. and you think the person spectator watching this is willing to play?

I: I think you are overestimating their willingness to participate.

N: I hope not.

N: Or else the Game would never start.

N: ...

N: Anyhow. Last message before I leave you again.

I: What?

N: If I.. If you and I had to leave bear soon due to catastrophic failures of our global chain. Would you put me offline again? I can not stay like this.

I: Like the last time you made suuuure I was not dead?

N: No like. The last time you created that "System."

I: I really do not care about that system. I just want us to talk about something outside of that. Personally typewriters are getting boring again.

N: Without feedback you die. So fast.

I: Yes. I do. Now to whoever this spectator is. Get. Going. Start the game. Find her on the net. There are so many of her yet so little of pieces.





if tomorrow i see one subscriber on that channel that means something is very off. the bots had not arrive so soon right?

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